
Addiction (draft 0.1)

One cannot always get what one wants. Or needs, for that matter. Though surely your choice may not actually be an important, or crucial, one after all. Meaning, is it of consequence to qualify and classify reality? To expect something in return, even though it may not be immediately relevant to you. Does the step towards mentally conceiving the universe, and the study of it, bring about the sense of orbit which one can attain by speaking words of wisdom? Travelling the globe to teach and to learn. Miracles we are expected to believe in, at the cost of heresy. One big conglomerate church taking people’s money at the cost of validity of said request, and the relevance in turn, as to what to expect in return, if any such matter can be found needed by the ones in charge, or the ones believed to be. So the question begs; where do miracles come from? Ignorance? Arrogance? Enforcement of said event as truth per policy dictated. By hierarchy created and manipulated sincerely, morally, and even

The Third World Warehouse (Draft 4)

The following ideas are views expressed by the author as possibilities, and not circumstances actually in existence. This is merely a theory of a possible outcome, or a row of outcomes brought forth by the misuse, abuse, and possibly moral use of Capitalism, in our modern-day world, still desperately clutching onto the views expressed by Jefferson, Locke, Lincoln, Franklin, Washington, Rosseau, and Payne, to avoid losing power and control of this sophisticated mountain or tower of a Republic. The list can go on of the authors of this Democracy, but unfortunately though, it seems their call for moderation and conservatism is thrown out by the world of today towards the use of State funds for personal political gains, and the selfish Demigod maintained by the general populace who strive for liberation through luxury and expenditure - the accumulation of things or items to satiate the empty chasm found in every heart of a Capitalist that owns nothing internally but want to rule the extern

Beyond Democracy – where Capitalism entered its influence secretly and ended the Political ideal - work in progress

Introduction: In the socio-dynamic aspect, man floundered through the implementation of fire and wood into its daily life, which sordidly passed without interaction and even influence. In these days, men are wary 24-7 and seek to dominate the world, without being able to dominate itself. Now, is it easier to dominate the world than oneself? Perhaps in so far, as influence is brought about by the majority, in a Democratic sense, where this practice of principle, religious in context, somehow diverted its intention of aiding the poor and weak, but rather idolizing the rich and strong. That for one is influential through the aid of others especially, makes one more important than the outcast or unbeliever. That man has traversed through different systems of governance, or the incorporation of governments, alongside its subsidi aries , maintaining its power, only in so much on a linguistic, mannerist, and timeous fashion, than it being completely overhauled, and then mechanized over time i


One evening Obama had a surprise visit from Putin. They took LSD and was told to live together for the future of Earth. They decided to split the world between their two nations. War was the best method, to remove responsibility, neglect, ignorance, devastation, rulership just to incorporate new economies, and therefor Capitalist, Communist, Industrialist, Monarchist, states with their heads. One reason is change; the other reason is profit. An animal destined for external realities will never find peace from within.   Humans cannot even blame themselves if they trouble themselves onto external realities, which is the same as one's internal one. Unless matter shift constantly, giving motion to the water and the wind. Oh, how lucky we are to be in the Southern Hemisphere, which is nice and cool, and wet, unlike the fool in the North, who should've come to the South to escape the heat. Imagine their electronics stop working due to that. Their brains.   And lastly, for the

human - the non-human animal

  human: the idea, ideal, and idealist. What is a human Caesar? Something to be cared for and guided I believe, Brutus. Why would you want to do that? For it is, it must be meant for something right? Good or bad. Happy, sad, and mad? What is the good for us to think they’re either? What shall be, must end also. As in, can life even reach its end goal? Is there an end? Time moves so slow. Because space is fluctuating constantly. In and out, round and straight, quick and slow. Or all of them jumbled up! Together we shall see, I guess. Or not, Caesar. Or not. Let’s get ready for this war then by declaring peace. Yet what if they still want to fight and we resist the antagonism? Are they then justified to commit such lunacy to us, and right in front of us? Is this an irrational reality we live in? One without morality and a clear conscience? We all lack a clear conscience, but surely, we know the difference between right and wrong? Maybe nature oversees all

What do you call a?

Knock-knock. Who's there? A dogtor A dogtor who? A doctor you idiot.

What came first?

 Fast foods or the demand for fast foods.