
One evening Obama had a surprise visit from Putin. They took LSD and was told to live together for the future of Earth. They decided to split the world between their two nations. War was the best method, to remove responsibility, neglect, ignorance, devastation, rulership just to incorporate new economies, and therefor Capitalist, Communist, Industrialist, Monarchist, states with their heads. One reason is change; the other reason is profit. An animal destined for external realities will never find peace from within.


Humans cannot even blame themselves if they trouble themselves onto external realities, which is the same as one's internal one. Unless matter shift constantly, giving motion to the water and the wind. Oh, how lucky we are to be in the Southern Hemisphere, which is nice and cool, and wet, unlike the fool in the North, who should've come to the South to escape the heat. Imagine their electronics stop working due to that. Their brains.


And lastly, for them the size of Ukraine is much smaller than the African countries they do want. Question is who?


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