The Third World Warehouse (Draft 4)

The following ideas are views expressed by the author as possibilities, and not circumstances actually in existence. This is merely a theory of a possible outcome, or a row of outcomes brought forth by the misuse, abuse, and possibly moral use of Capitalism, in our modern-day world, still desperately clutching onto the views expressed by Jefferson, Locke, Lincoln, Franklin, Washington, Rosseau, and Payne, to avoid losing power and control of this sophisticated mountain or tower of a Republic. The list can go on of the authors of this Democracy, but unfortunately though, it seems their call for moderation and conservatism is thrown out by the world of today towards the use of State funds for personal political gains, and the selfish Demigod maintained by the general populace who strive for liberation through luxury and expenditure - the accumulation of things or items to satiate the empty chasm found in every heart of a Capitalist that owns nothing internally but want to rule the external world. Dressing for an occasion, but not all, even though the tracksuit pants and the pajama exults the corresponding result found kept up by society in this pseudo-world existing with something quite real and powerful, that which we call Nature. That this form of Democracy basically, is now a product created and maintained by Capitalist ventures solely set to grab as much cash, and property, as possible, before the world comes crashing down into a mechanical ghetto held up through Socialist Welfare schemes which even Marx has warned us of a long time ago. It raised its head in Africa, after it started to in Europe, but it will also rage through the USA, and many other nations, consuming the world into an unrecognizable space and reality in due course. This system is Capitalism, but has now become the newest religion of man, and its descendants. The religion Nietzsche warned us of, and not the false idea that he believed man should surpass his tribal and undocumented sinister past, to become whole again, through subordinating nature and its inhabitants, to classify or define themselves as Godlike, or having a Godlike stature in turn, psychologically, or mentally.

Basically, we dared exploit even ourselves consciously for the sake of subordinating our neighbour or employer into the realm of subject and object. That our rights in the civil space have allowed intolerance and division to exist, working towards the control of the status quo or hierarchy set up by our captors, or masters. In the end, we subjugate ourselves every day for a couple of hours, if not half the day, to uphold this system of exploitation so beautifully until someone calls for a war or war of wars, that brings it unto its end into a new frontier.

Initially this book called The Third World Warehouse was titled, The Third World War - why? Because a war held anywhere is lunacy, but a war held in an impoverished nation or state, is genocide. If the world will know war as they already know war, then for some of them there is a valid reason for war.

which is in relation to three situations: 

A world war is the escalation of conflict for the sake of peace and occupation between two nations and expanding into the rest of the world unlike a war internally happening in a country which is called a civil war, insurrection, or coup de tat.

Another type of world war can also be dictated financially or economically upon or between nations.  Having to fend for themselves – some countries are forced to consume the products of developed countries and their privatized corporations.

Also due to ignorance or gullibility and apathy, the developing countries experience civil wars and religious uprisings more frequently, than developed nations. Xenophobia and dictatorship also occur in these regions, where extreme poverty leads to sex slavery, human trafficking, drug smuggling, theft and illegal arms trading, and even propaganda. Unlike the belief that Germany and Russia were super-powers at the start of their war – only measured in coincidental terms. (Both countries have been accused of brain washing their citizens to achieve conquest.) This is the referral to the Third World at War. Even though it is common for apologists to say that it is heresy to call nations third world. Somehow remembering our troubled past, and speaking about it, seems more disturbing than the consequences of it. A country at war with itself, is the lowest form of governance one can find in the sophisticated world. As in, all civil entities are glorified or villainized, but never overthrown or rebuilt. Most nations that fall in this state, suffer prolonged famine and violation of human rights. An Olympic Stadium gets more love than these people, which this article is also about. How in the midst of this Third World at War with itself, and each other, the multi-national groupings around the rest of the world, laughs at the fact that the rebel, hijacker, executioner, and even priest, ask for help from them, without realizing that they're asking Hitler to save him from his concentration camp. Some call it conspiracy; I call it observation.

Most of these things happen under our noses, until we realize it is bleeding within, and will rarely cease.

Matters to discuss: (ideas)

How the system of employment differs amongst nations, cultures, and brands.

How human perception can lie to itself even whilst being exploited.

The argument that a government should cease to exist for it is corrupt only exists if an alternative is found. Capitalism is the enemy of the state for it can vanquish it. Though dictatorship can rule over corporations, who merely want money and are not eager to sacrifice assets over some strike, or power failure within the government, sometimes even removing its operations from the country itself, or being removed by the government.

Policies and verbiage put in place by the government and regulatory bodies through the mainstream media to neutralize impact of understanding of what is occurring on the ground and in the minds of those affected by the general directly unaffected public.

The sense of unity towards productivity or the claim that man must work to be free or eventually at least. Denying truth and freedom for the youth to escape into the natural world and the space beyond.

How Capitalism is a by-product or effect by Communism or the purposeful avoidance thereof. Trying to deny that man is an automaton working for a machine-driven engine part of a liberated journey towards truth and understanding, beauty and perfection. Sacrifice, like in religious faith, is benevolent and needed to achieve maturely and consciously, perhaps even conservatively, peacefully, solidarity and permanency. The dominion of man over nature legally, or consciencely. Not to be reprimanded or held liable for his destructive acts collectively through being treated as individuals rather consuming the world only, and justifiably. Ignoring that the notion of individualism is not a turn away from Communist act and belief, but rather the removal of the communal self always being seen regarded truthfully, honestly, and respectfully, which he may deserve, but should not believe that the herd does not desire immortality at the cost of everything.

The ones perceiving it as such, but not knowing it as another. What is the alternative being proposed?


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