Addiction (draft 0.1)

One cannot always get what one wants. Or needs, for that matter. Though surely your choice may not actually be an important, or crucial, one after all. Meaning, is it of consequence to qualify and classify reality? To expect something in return, even though it may not be immediately relevant to you. Does the step towards mentally conceiving the universe, and the study of it, bring about the sense of orbit which one can attain by speaking words of wisdom? Travelling the globe to teach and to learn. Miracles we are expected to believe in, at the cost of heresy. One big conglomerate church taking people’s money at the cost of validity of said request, and the relevance in turn, as to what to expect in return, if any such matter can be found needed by the ones in charge, or the ones believed to be. So the question begs; where do miracles come from? Ignorance? Arrogance? Enforcement of said event as truth per policy dictated. By hierarchy created and manipulated sincerely, morally, and even coincidentally, logically. That the relevance of said structure is only immortalized for the sake of decency, peace, a struggle-free revolution. To dictate sense into madness. Though it will come to that, and everything I say may be meaningless, and thought, or the versifying of thought, lead man to believe his vision is true, even though it may be pointless to assume, that the eye has not appeared miraculously, or without reason. The definitive view on the origin of the eye, in scientific circles, and also the well scientifically-minded reader and hobbyist thinker, may in actual fact, know, clearly, and surreptitiously, that the eye formed due to circumstance, over time, by natural selection, or intervention, as in domestication, to mould into itself, nature, the ability to “visually” perceive reality. If that is the only reason for it to exist, then scientists, and these thinkers, tend to disagree, that the reason for its existence, according to the religious, is that God created it. The purpose of the debate between the two parties may be irrelevant, and perhaps thought, or the utility of thought for descriptive, and definitive purposes, does allow one to ignore said questions, to rather be conceived and taught by either side as to relevance of this mentality in your life. An existential question, may be begged, but sadly the victor isn’t always moral. We do not live in a moral world, for there are crooks about. Vagabonds have warned us for too long, that the only escape, is to be free from thought and direction of thought. That where one is, one is also not surely somewhere else. Or even that may be a dream, and a thought into nowhere leads to somewhere. But, why here? Why this moment, this time, this reality? I tell you, it is to either worship a god, or to declare that he does not exist. If one were to be true, one should surely be allowed to ignore this question, and that is why the ugly subjecting others into acts or roles of performance, does not lead to a savoury or pleasant atmosphere. There is no miracle, there is merely consequence, and aberration,


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