Beyond Democracy – where Capitalism entered its influence secretly and ended the Political ideal - work in progress


In the socio-dynamic aspect, man floundered through the implementation of fire and wood into its daily life, which sordidly passed without interaction and even influence. In these days, men are wary 24-7 and seek to dominate the world, without being able to dominate itself. Now, is it easier to dominate the world than oneself? Perhaps in so far, as influence is brought about by the majority, in a Democratic sense, where this practice of principle, religious in context, somehow diverted its intention of aiding the poor and weak, but rather idolizing the rich and strong. That for one is influential through the aid of others especially, makes one more important than the outcast or unbeliever. That man has traversed through different systems of governance, or the incorporation of governments, alongside its subsidiaries, maintaining its power, only in so much on a linguistic, mannerist, and timeous fashion, than it being completely overhauled, and then mechanized over time into something insubstantial. That man has become a being of desiring its own suffering to be nullified, and its other ailments to be ignored, for the sake of completion, and most importantly at the suffering of others. This hierarchical way of thought, and action, brings about the belief of enforcement. In this case, it’s exploitation at the cost and benefit of the subject or inferior. There has even been mass acts of murder committed by those who either believe, they’re superior to others, or inferior to challenge the power struggle set and acted upon, to become superior in turn. The status quo is therefore unchallenged, and unrealistic in scope, for the brute or tribal man practices his superiority, possibly, on beings considered as lesser. I am speaking about animals, but I am also referring to an artificial reality of structure created to tolerate oppression. What is even worse, is that man alternatively also support charity or generosity and hospitality to celebrate beauty and peace, which is a false narrative to uphold since the contradiction is clearly exposed for all to see. Even our privacy set in this domestic sense has been annihilated in the public sphere also. We are not allowed to film or photograph anybody, but there are CCTV on all corners, on some poles, and even inside and outside our houses. Strange that we question the intentions of others, only when they commit a crime or act of violence upon another. Entering our homes without consent. Ignoring the rights created to protect ourselves from each other, thereby acknowledging the world is at a terrible point, and perhaps even a turning point, towards something even worse. That our children are not free, because they are existing, primarily in a world for adults, where children are exposed to its demands and expectations. It is now common to see unhomed children, orphans, and ones believing in a brighter future stuck on their mobile phones cheating in exams, opening their minds and bodies up for strangers to devour or use to generate profit or income. Drug dealing is seen as a good way to make money for these teenagers. Consuming substances that alters their minds away from knowledge and beauty, to only hijack these concepts according to their own standards. I once had a friend, that sadly passed away too soon, that taught me, to have ones’ own opinion for the sake of integrity and honesty is more important than taking note of those not seeing it the same way, and act out their intentions upon others without giving them a choice. Exploiting them, and belittling them. Bringing me back to the purpose of this essay. To allow the reader to understand, that there are two ideas in life, which must be upheld, to create a better world, but the reader may not want that, so the second idea, is that through argument, one can come to a conclusion, but that the conclusion in itself is different for two parties, a positive, negative, or neutral one, and allows varying opinions to be held about the same thing, and that it can be proven, that the responses, even though not both equally valid, has a good reason to be either true or false, right or wrong.

This article only discusses serious matters, and not the trivial, where opinions don’t matter, and observations may be fantasy like. Or religiously set, unstopped, or limited, for a reason to believe this or that, again enforced, through social gatherings, or ritualistic scenes. That even a man can be killed execution style, basically, because the executioner may be moral, immoral, or agnostic. Not that agnostics are neutral always, but at least reasonable. Cautious, to be sure, or just to avoid. This in itself, explains many things about man, even those he does not know, or has forgotten about. Now stereotype, labelling of ones identity, seems to be the norm, and is so important to some humans, that they defend their beliefs en masse, to achieve something, not worth achieving, or unachievable. All the peace rallies in the world, has not brought peace. Freddie Mercury, the lead singer for Queen, the music group, stood up against HIV Aids, but also died because of it. Princess Diana, stood up against violence and conflict, only to succumb horribly, and never achieving her goals or dreams of a better world. Yes, each of these individuals, may have altered someone’s life, but they seem to have had more power doing so, than alter their own destinies. The purpose of life should be, to achieve your own dreams, and letting others do the same for them. Once we focus on positivity, freedom, and understanding, then we can attend to those burdened by abnormalities or defects and accidents. What always fascinates me, as a person that does not drive, or cannot for that matter, is to see drivers break the traffic laws, openly, with a self-imagined form of sincerity, just to go and park as close as possible to the store on a handicapped parking bay without consideration as to why it is there. I feel shame for these people, because they do not carry their own. Their reality is perfect for them, and they don’t care about the imperfect realities of others. It’s a disgrace, that we all vote in our native Democracies, but oppose each other individually or collectively. That this frame of mind has altered Democratic history into the realm of oppression and subversion, away from the idea of equality and hope, merely because of the historical and current influence, of Capitalism, Imperialism, and Colonialism. How to address these tragedies, lead us to embracing oppressiveness, violence, and poverty in a biological sense, ourselves to be the victor in another way through the same system. The above mentioned structures are still strongly on their way, towards completion of its intent. To deprive man and nature of its own beliefs and acts to the point of extermination and extinction. That each life lost, is actually celebrated, for the property market has become lucrative due to ownership, and denouncing ones' morality, positively enforced, by the free market Democracy, Communism, Anarchism, and even other systems, like Tribalism, and Rastafarianism. But then, there is also the system that doesn’t exist, for some, and quite literally. The system of absolute freedom. Where one is not imposed by restrictions, but unfortunately in this dimension, or reality, restrictions is what make it a dimension of restrictions, or order on a magnificent scale. Without Darwin and Einstein, we may never have known of it.


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