
The Third World War (Draft 2)

 The Third World Warehouse Initially this book was called The Third World War which is in relation to three situations:  A world war is the escalation of conflict for the sake of peace and occupation between two nations and expanding into the rest of the world unlike a war internally happening in a country which is called a civil war, insurrection, or coup de tat. Another type of world war can also be dictated financially or economically upon or between nations.  Having to fend for themselves – some countries are forced to consume the products of developed countries and their privatized corporations. Due to ignorance or gullibility and apathy, the developing countries experience civil wars and religious uprisings more frequently, than developed nations. Xenophobia and dictatorship also occur in these regions, where extreme poverty leads to sex slavery, human trafficking, drug smuggling, theft and illegal arms trading. Unlike the belief that Germany and Russia were super-powers at the s


One evening Obama had a surprise visit from Putin. They took LSD and was told to live together for the future of Earth. They decided to split the world between their two nations. War was the best method, to remove responsibility, neglect, ignorance, devastation, rulership just to incorporate new economies, and therefor Capitalist, Communist, Industrialist, Monarchist, states with their heads. One reason is change; the other reason is profit. An animal destined for external realities will never find peace from within.   Humans cannot even blame themselves if they trouble themselves onto external realities, which is the same as one's internal one. Unless matter shift constantly, giving motion to the water and the wind. Oh, how lucky we are to be in the Southern Hemisphere, which is nice and cool, and wet, unlike the fool in the North, who should've come to the South to escape the heat. Imagine their electronics stop working due to that. Their brains.   And lastly, for the

human - the non-human animal

  human: the idea, ideal, and idealist. What is a human Caesar? Something to be cared for and guided I believe, Brutus. Why would you want to do that? For it is, it must be meant for something right? Good or bad. Happy, sad, and mad? What is the good for us to think they’re either? What shall be, must end also. As in, can life even reach its end goal? Is there an end? Time moves so slow. Because space is fluctuating constantly. In and out, round and straight, quick and slow. Or all of them jumbled up! Together we shall see, I guess. Or not, Caesar. Or not. Let’s get ready for this war then by declaring peace. Yet what if they still want to fight and we resist the antagonism? Are they then justified to commit such lunacy to us, and right in front of us? Is this an irrational reality we live in? One without morality and a clear conscience? We all lack a clear conscience, but surely, we know the difference between right and wrong? Maybe nature oversees all

What do you call a?

Knock-knock. Who's there? A dogtor A dogtor who? A doctor you idiot.

What came first?

 Fast foods or the demand for fast foods.

After the silence

In a nightmare, you’re realizing that you’re dreaming, and that anything is possible, but in the waking world it is not. Meaning, in the real world, some things, even the most brilliant ideals, cannot be possible. C.S Lewis, was only writing fiction when he discussed the notion of Heaven or utopia - lions with the lamb. It is a logical, and moral impossibility, for good to only exist, as in defined in the terms Heaven and utopia, there must be something that makes it good in the first place. The logical and moral impossibility may even make sense, that only good can exist, for good only definitively has coincidentally bad as its opposite in some instances, but rest and quiet, and peace, and love may end up being the only things to exist. If only some of us, can realize, that what was once impossible or not possible rather, before, is now breathing life anew.   Luckily, we can assume that our decisive moment, is when we realize our false humanity, or way of being human, has changed

The unrealistic policy

Fearing freedom of speech, and tolerating the abuse of it, somehow affects the psyche permanently away from individualism, or identity. One realizes oppression only, once it is witnessed, and once it is understood for the reasons that it exists. So, my argument is, can one legally argue against freedom of speech?   The rule of law, does not allow man to break free from his freedom. All is captivity for his own protection. His lenient self. The one who gave up on pioneering. I see every day citizens of this world, happy for no good reason, and sad in turn the same. We should not wonder what the future will hold, because we are part of the past, and have never been in the future, as in we only exist in what we become. So the present is not even real, for time is movement, and movement knows no bounds, or restrictions. For it to have the qualities it has, may be visually disorientating, or regressed from what it consists of. For, it is a certain substance, does not mean it is also not