The following ideas are views expressed by the author as possibilities, and not circumstances actually in existence. This is merely a theory of a possible outcome, or a row of outcomes brought forth by the misuse, abuse, and possibly moral use of Capitalism, in our modern-day world, still desperately clutching onto the views expressed by Jefferson, Locke, Lincoln, Franklin, Washington, Rosseau, and Payne, to avoid losing power and control of this sophisticated mountain or tower of a Republic. The list can go on of the authors of this Democracy, but unfortunately though, it seems their call for moderation and conservatism is thrown out by the world of today towards the use of State funds for personal political gains, and the selfish Demigod maintained by the general populace who strive for liberation through luxury and expenditure - the accumulation of things or items to satiate the empty chasm found in every heart of a Capitalist that owns nothing internally but want to rule the extern...
Plans of the future: Part 1: Hello, my name is Capitalism, I am the enemy of humankind, but don’t ya worry, I will disintegrate into nothingness like many ideologies do. Think about a tomato and see it when it leaves your poo-poo. Tomato? Probably more like ketchup. The truth of surviving the mundane world of the capitalist, is by giving them what they want, but wait, they want more, of the same, and perhaps something else. Now that’s what I call business. The creation of capitalism, and the demise of its potential. But what is capitalism? Well, as far as I know, it is a make belief world, where the rich are happy and safe from the storms abound this beautiful factory of a planet. Providing us with all that we require, and we give it all we acquire. The machine will do the rest. A slave without knowing it. The reality is simple, a capitalist system, must give way to something, for it cannot live forever in its pronounc...
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