The denying kindred (work in progress)

Plans of the future:

Part 1:


Hello, my name is Capitalism, I am the enemy of humankind, but don’t ya worry, I will disintegrate into nothingness like many ideologies do.


Think about a tomato and see it when it leaves your poo-poo. Tomato? Probably more like ketchup.


The truth of surviving the mundane world of the capitalist, is by giving them what they want, but wait, they want more, of the same, and perhaps something else. Now that’s what I call business. The creation of capitalism, and the demise of its potential.


But what is capitalism?


Well, as far as I know, it is a make belief world, where the rich are happy and safe from the storms abound this beautiful factory of a planet. Providing us with all that we require, and we give it all we acquire. The machine will do the rest. A slave without knowing it.


The reality is simple, a capitalist system, must give way to something, for it cannot live forever in its pronounced state, for human’s change, like their desires and needs.


A mistress begs for more than one cock. Ironic isn’t it. The man only believes in his nuts, and his seed. Whereas a woman can bear the burden easily for she is forced into labor, like a slave of the bygone age, created, and imprinted upon, by the neo-liberal democratic, yet peacefully militaristic monarchs of the present era, or age.


Life is so long, but not ours. We are doomed to die. Perhaps capitalism, is the realization of death, and the need to destroy oneself, if you have insurance, life insurance. Bond.


Basically, we cannot always condone the present, for historically, we have come, and in the future, we may still be there. Sarcasm.


The downfall of man is found, presently, in its subordination to human faculty and belief.


Poverty is a non-existent entity, for it relies on the notion of wealth too exist, or welfare, in such a case, where subordination is enforced upon the impoverished masses, not allowing them freedom of movement or protest, through private property, and its laws supplied by the government and courts.


Someone is scratching someone’s back, but is it unfair, justifiable, impossible to overthrow?


Life not being conditioned or domesticated is what it is, free of laws, natural laws.


The argument that oppression exists through financial inequality is only enforced by those who are too damn lazy and brainwashed to buy a sleeping bag, backpack, and perhaps a tent, and hit the road without any idea of where they are going.


The political and financial aspect is only given superiority or a voice, because it’s a system created for the ideology, which it solely is, upheld, that the more wealth created, consciously in mind, the more prosperous, sane, and clean, life becomes. Society. Without flaw, like a diamond – an unconscious thing. No wonder people think, work equals tolerance and respect, and the downright dirty or homeless are ignorant, and addicted to substances unheard of, as was mentioned before in another essay.


Can you imagine humans at war for the sake of peace? The poor are only inept in mind, they are bored for they do not know that they do not have to behave domestically, they are not bound by taxes or debt. A dog runs free, so why not a human? Is it because humans have self-respect, and self-consciousness, which the dirty flea ridden dog does not have? Can one assume, that a human can never behave like a dog? A dog is by far, supposedly, less intelligent than any human being, though why can’t we, like a father, not behave like them, or an infant? To expect humans to be subordinated, and in turn to be subordinative, takes away the faculty of life which must be ignored, supposedly.


Religion and the state, are, today, not the only ones enforcing a certain viewpoint of life unto us, especially the poor and inept. There is also the corporate. Willing to wipe your ass, think toilet paper, feed your mind, think television, feed your body, think farmed produce. A whole system forcing man into a space which he doesn’t want to flee, for if he does, he is dirty, poor, and inept. But only in the eyes of those, believing only in their eyes. But the dog watches, while he licks his balls, if he has left, and scratches his head, if he itches.


To control nature, is not such a bad idea, but when you are the one being controlled, it is impossible to be. Once one realizes that you are pampered for the sake of not being downrightly exploited, which is illegal supposedly, but is not definitely. For capitalism and democracy exploits everyone, for the sake of being an institution that is legal, and when it is, the IRS won’t come for you, for your money is legally earned, and your employees are merely sheep out there for you to have more tax cuts.


Multi-national corporations exploit their employees more under the pretense that the employee must not know or believe that it is being exploited only for profit. Question is, does the public care about exploited people, especially since they are cringe worthy jealous of the amounts of profit, these brands make, paying news firms, and media agencies money, and nothing else, to support and convey positivity of said business enterprise which refuses to uphold scrutiny for not giving us real news, such as how a diesel mechanic goes to war over his lost penis, or something? Think it through, our corporate world is governing our news, for a corporation spouts out the only news we have. And who are we to believe, if the entire world believes it already, like a religion, or an ideology, of peace it is at least, and not of some mediocre concept of association called dictatorship or war? Funny how the corporation makes money from telling us to be aware of being exploited, when all we do is feed their neo-liberal syndrome of being the voice of the people, or the voice for the people.


In Ukraine, I hear, there’s a war, currently, waged by Russians, or its President, Vladimir Putin, funny how that matters not to me, but everyone is talking about it. Rather I be an alien on another planet, in another solar system, ignorant of this fact, or reality. Or that dog spoken of. What can I do about a war in any case, especially since I don’t even own a car, or my local municipality doesn’t know where a rehab is? It’s simple to understand, but the conclusion should be ignorance, or removal. The idea that one ignores everything, and everybody, seems evil, and perhaps it is, but where does innocence fit into subordination, or occupation of mind? Is my life really in any sense only relatable to humans, especially those on the other end of a gun, or missile? Does someone else’s disability, or hunger, truly affect me? I’m no doctor, I’m no parent, I’m neither of the above.


What is the purpose of letting the world know all of this, especially since our lives matter more than theirs? We matter more, for we are the goal, or the creators and upholders of the goal. Utopia. Peace. Unity.


Under what pretense does Democracy exist other than difference, and the realization of indifference? If one were to remove such principles do, we even acknowledge that Democracy will no longer be needed? Well, that is the purpose of this essay, to note that Capitalism has thwarted Democracy, and that something else, something more sinister, and liberating, is pushing Capitalism out of the window into the defunct river and toilet filled with ketchup shit. It is not anything but the destruction of all that is man. All that is human. The concept of being protected only for the sake of wanted support found in the subordination of adult and child. Welfare. The simple reality that the less one is exploited the better one is off. And that the motivation of not to exploit at all, is but merely a contradiction found in escape from that which exploit.


To work freely is charity, to enforce labor is slavery or exploitation. But the degree of it is found, publicly announced, upon the liberals, and right-wing fascists, who believe we care that they exist, or that they must exist for us to be sane, happy, safe, and healthy. A doctor only wants what is best for you, even though he knows you are going to die soon or at some point. Sad reality, hard to swallow, but difficult to ignore. We run away from pain, and lonesomeness, for we believe, superstitiously, that it will leave us alone. Not that lonesomeness, or pain, even exists for some, especially those living like that already, their whole lives.


Part 2:


Capitalism – but where too next?


Expenditure, in the infamous words of Abraham, is a luxury that one cannot afford. One should save all things, for recycling (to recycle) logos are found on PET shit. Can one ever imagine a reality free of Abraham? I dare say he was right about one thing, but wrong about so much more else. How good is the dude at table tennis? Pretty good. But how about darts? Pretty slick. But what about Chinese pickling? Getting there. And what, lastly, about being a lion? To his wife, and mistress? Sure, to the wild? Pretty pathetic.


Capitalism as Ayn Rand said is the motive of desire towards that which one is not. Always on the lookout, to make ourselves seem better, more proficient, capable, and perhaps unique, for if you drive the Volkswagen, you’re not a German, but rather a driver of a nice (?) car – like a Ferrari - for middle class people with semi-neurotic clowns for company (children), in debt believing they have it all when they have shit for brains and opinions for shit. Or rather, where sufficiency and efficiency is less expenditure, and more of giving, or no expenditure, and running for your life – away I say – but where too you ask?


Once people realize instinct, the motive of understanding and knowing without thought, there is only fact, and the realization of fear. The perceptual state of constant awareness of oneself, and the world around. Nothing else would matter or could – especially if you’re hiding for your life from the mighty kangaroo.


Luckily God exists right? Like, that’s the only reason why we know of Abraham.


Don’t fret; one also sees peace and belief, but what is reality really but all these things and even more not perceived – or current in our flow of time? Not to exclaim nihilism, as in subjugation, but rather uphold, that the resolution – to come - is not always correct, or even desired. Reality does whatever it wants, even with you in it. As in, you have no choice, but to make the choice, whatever it may be separate from the rest of us, like a prostitute. Outside of that gimmick is boredom, and the absence of realization, which is truth, which is correct. As in, it may change, as it always has. You come to the party now, or you lose out. Which is irrelevant for the party rules the people and in the pasture of corporate greed is innocence exploited and triumphed over with cheap ideas and even less expense.


Basically, my idea about Capitalism is that its whole entirety, its definition, is merely the resolution of all things culminative up till this point in time. Capitalism is everything in totality. The final realization of separation of man from Church and State. Where he is his own master, guide, and dictator. Bringing politics and religion into his home where he only subsided this nonsense for the sake of what he knows that the outside world offers him and how it ought to be implemented onto his children, wife, and pets. He is owner of his life, as if he has been a slave sold for matchsticks and perhaps tobacco and silk. A commodity owning and distributing other commodities. Finally directing his attention away from himself into another era of expenditure which the Church rebelled against in the 13th Century, but has failed, for man himself has killed the Christ for his own love for love, hate, and bigotry. To disagree is good if it is rational, cosmetic, and what some may define as moral, which resistance is not, because in a general sense life is more, but according to modern man it should be less. Abraham taught us that to want life through dominance is not what is in accordance with what is good and right, or just and considerate. That tyranny over nature, even your children, enforcing archaic self-defined beliefs primitively without remorse, but to control and subordinate to a one-sided view of what life, reality, and existence can be. This is not a conquest of convincing, or to decide for others – my perspective – but rather to state that Capitalism is what our lives have created, and the way Capitalism exists is not what it could have been created as by us – its upholders and keepers.


The conceptualized version of reality places man at the centre of existence – the magnificent force bringing us to something we call the present. Yet as man draws closer to the truth, and perhaps the end – for there must be an end if there is a beginning – at some point at least. Or rather, the end is the present – as the destination of all things – hence the belief of the end – and the circumference of our lives in a totality – purely psychological – hence trivial – for neuroscience and scientific research becomes null when freedom is liberation – assuredness of choice – and not subliminal messaging bringing forth communication and response like a dictionary and a module of study bringing about thoughts known – and previously perhaps unknown. We’re the determining factor of our lives, yet it is essentially expected – even verbalized – hello – but sorely ignored as to what is also possible – even if it is just the comparison between homelessness and homeliness. The enforcement of the policing as to how man lives, basically, is not anything other than superstition and alienation – especially if one is on the side being cast out – for not being peculiar and unique enough – though what matters is essence, and the bringing forth of seeing truth through new-born eyes or the opposite of subjecting yourself to shave or relate to the ideal which is worked at, and tomorrow obviously exists, like death, and mortality. Or illness and the preaching of perfection – or the opposite observed, which believe Capitalism, a financial and economic system – meant to alleviate suffering or the dogmatic view that man is central to existence logically for he is productive – physically, mentally, emotionally. That positive qualities come from subordinating others to menial tasks meant only for them, and no one else. Wasting essentially their time, for time is only seen as money or what man’s wage or salary or income is attuned too. Making man a slave corporately forcing him to be unhappy and distrustful of the lonely, ill, and dirty or unhygienic. Even the local mob or mafia has the inability to realize their sad fallacy – it’s their distrust of instinct – the animal one – which makes them less of a man – but they are more of a man if they are a man or human. As Nietzsche said – tolerance is to be open – but intolerance is the only thing that exists. Morality is a dream of our fathers such as Abraham and the Church. Where Buddhists do not believe for belief is thought and the subjection of these thoughts into action. Where the mechanistic side of man is superficial because he thinks that this is all to exist for him.


Part 3:


The tumultuous existence of modern man, in his home, in his surroundings, in his society, is what has brought him upon the notion of improvement. And the positive aspects to it. Though what he wants to improve upon is only a biased sphere of neo-liberal dogma brought forth, making him inhumane towards his humanity, his fellow humans. He drudges forth an existential state governed by norm, dictation, the solemn acceptance and expectation of what comes forth from before. He even determines the climate, his sense of self, making it far more significant and closely alienating for him to be stuck in the present. Work equals the harmony man achieves at day’s end, where his wife, mistress, and friends celebrate his lunacy and calls it rationality. For him to exist in this make-belief, psychological trap, considering that things must be normal, to be rational. Safe and secure to be pure. A blind-sided view of all that is only brought forth to him. If he is bankrupt, he should feel shame. If he is sick, he should feel hopeful. That better days will arrive and arise, concluding that man is an optimist with a pessimistic or negative way of living his daily life. There is no end, but in man. According to him.


The birds sing, the moon shines, all things are one, but oh so separate. For it, or they, may not even exist, anymore, or in the future. Nothing is set-in-stone, and nothing has made it out of here alive. Remembrance. The scope of life brings about death, only because it has been witnessed. The distinction and contrasting fact to what is, or was, and what it has become.


We don’t consider ourselves unfortunate, for we have no one else to blame.


Meaning is not found in doing, or undoing. Birth, and death. For one is born, one has not existed before – and may not hereafter. Though some believe otherwise. But what is belief, but more importantly, what is belief in meaning?


The psychological world we inhabit may be an illusion. But an illusion still seems real, for it to even be seen or experienced. A trick of the mind. Or an alternative way of perception.


Karma, in its entirety applies to one and to all. At some point, your life serves its purpose, whether known, or not. Through birth, or your existential state, meaning has been created. Which is truth. Which is creation. Which is something coming from nothing – like meaning even is – such as on the day of your wedding. Therefor the personality of man is given to him genetically, but morally, or psychologically it is moulded and mended. Man domesticates his behaviour for he thinks it protects him. But oh, how different we all behave at a single given time, but in the long run, we just come from a different place, or somewhere unpredictable, in a different time, to experience it our own way – to our own but similar end.


Though we all know what a balloon is, but some others don’t.


We must assume that the lunacy of master and slave, is only resolved, and tolerated, because we must concur, to be obedient. Like the marijuana smoker of the 80’s.


We must remove responsibility, as in motive, or redirect our attention towards the unimaginable. Death and decay are one thing. Death as in the precursor to decay, is merely detachment from what one was in a singular sense to become part of the unified sense, death. Some even think this point of detachment leads to bliss, nirvana, or heaven. But experience will not be similar, if it ever were to occur. This is a testament of insignificant proportions, which has cosmological, literal, existential, significance or consequence. We are not the victims, and we can never be the jurors and the judge. We can be there, but we will not be here also.


The state of man today is to encompass and enforce a certain general moral sense of how we ought to live and perceive our lives. Funny how chicken and cologne doesn’t appeal to me. Why should it? If I were vegan and dirty.


Dialectically we assume that conversation is proof, and that proof is perceived. Many things happen, and so one thing becomes insignificant. If one thing can be ignored, and subtracted, or deleted and removed from the expanse of realism brought forth, by light or sound, or anything in between, we must assume that we are all insignificant, but a part of something truly significant. Whether it be an illusion or not. That motive is regret if ignorance is bliss. That one does what one believes to be true, to not be harmful, or invasive, yet not knowing that one may be wrong or intrusive.


The reason for meaning is found in existence, and it is because existence allows for meaning to come into existence. If meaning cannot be found in existence, then meaning cannot be perceived, which means the question or idea cannot exist, even to be fathomed, or considered. What is the reason for considering even the question of meaning, and its relevance, if one were to believe that meaning equals effort or productivity or making progress? Meaning is meaningless if there is a psychological or coincidental reason for its being. If one were to remove meaninglessness from meaning, then meaning will be all that is experienced. The absence of things that creates meaning, doesn’t remove meaning, but merely exemplifies that meaning is found in recurrence, and not absence. To be allowed is meaningful. To disallow is not meaningful. Meaning cannot be experienced if one were to be victim and juror. One cannot be both, and one cannot be neither. But what is existence other than a reason for meaning to exist. As in, therefor, meaning is existence and existence is meaning. We need no thought or answer, though they may exist, for meaning to exist, for it is meaningless, if they are the only things that need to exist, for meaning to exist. As in meaning is not action or inaction, but merely existence. Motion and stillness. Not absence, but presence. If one were to die, one will be absent, but one still exists, for existence is found in all things, within itself. If one were to be removed from existence, within existence, then we are also surrounded and found in non-existence. As in the absence of existence is found within existence. It is the beginning, and it is its end. It is its base and its consequence. But why some may ask, is it relevant or even factual? Denying the separation from this reality in death by a sentient being, knowing it is consciously and experientially removed from our sphere of existence and perception thereof, is to conclude that life and death in the singular state does not exist, for why classify it as separate for it to be nullified into one? The dilemma a being faces is its knowledge of itself and the world, where death may be the concluding factor from a life filled with suffering, lonesomeness or misunderstanding, and fear. We sometimes celebrate death in others for they did wrong, ignoring the possibility that all is one and the same, for to relate is separation and dissociation from that which one is not, but for one is, one can also be not. Concluding not a dualistic form of experience in one, but rather that the one is the conclusion of the other. We associate with life, and even in death, we believe it to be the same tedious ordeal, like waiting for a train to depart, but hoping also that it doesn’t.


Consequently, man is found in a predicament of making his life essential only unto himself, denying all aspects of separation, logically and realistically, for him to be the domain, and overriding factor as to his existence. Where he decides what is true and expected, and what is not possible or unexpected. Hence the belief in miracles is only as is, wishful superstitious thinking. Claiming that man is in denial about his own mortality and sadly, and most importantly, his own morality. Where it is now universal and tried upon mass numbers or statistics, like in a boardroom, decrying and advocating a life of expenditure or culture of buying and selling to achieve happiness, utopia, and understanding. He will, and should, under the guise of Neo-Liberal dogma and act, become one with perfection, obliterating thought and passion for the sake of belief and what is to come, which is only in his own mind, the result of his upbringing, and mental state of normalcy in a domesticated and cultivated state. Declaring psychologically beauty and extravagance as the goal in life, but how could it be if life is but merely as is, death, detachment, and decay, in the end. Making life seem gullible and controllable, but not expected or preordained, as some may believe it to be. Women and children, the elderly and disabled, are defects meant to be moulded and maintained for the sake of welfare, which is the goal of Capitalist thought, to be dependent upon government, church and the corporate elite. Having them fend for us, and protecting us, from the dark and sinister Communist and Fascist. Where words such as war crime, genocide, and fraud or conspiracy, is broadcasted in a world only needing peace in its entirety to sustain the battle between good and evil. When evil is vanquished, what is the world other than without thought and restraint towards that which is what it is not? A forgetful state, always reminding us of our ghosts, or violent alter-egos.


The dilemma that modern man faces is that he has become presumptuously needy, and indirectly guilty of overthrowing his own welfare. Man is not a machine clearly, and he ought to not behave this way. His actions must not be understood, as in defined, for one may die on the way to the bathroom. Let alone once one drives on the road alone in the middle of nowhere. How strange it is if an accident were to occur? Maybe a hyena was in the road pretending to be dead, and the driver stopped and bumped his head. Imagine a society told what to do and told what not to do. Once they told them what not to do, they start doing it when people stopped telling them what to do. Or not, is still doing. And doing being the precursive to result, has made man a machine meant to dominate only his own life. He wants to test his mettle, he wants to fuck his mistress, he wants to drive fast without care, and go where no being has ever imagined going to. The toilet. He embraces truth only when it makes him comfortable. He is fat and lazy. Doing menial things magically and find meaning in doing it as a machine. A law of nature. A scientific and religious fact or miracle. His government cares only about money and feeding the people lies about greed being the devil, and charity being the work of a noble god. All is told to him, yet expenditure does not equate happiness, and neither income. Work is indoctrination and the subordinative qualities observed in primal man. The highest ideal in life is death, though on the way there let’s make ourselves rulers, in an imaginary state called our consciousness. Peculiarly. Coincidentally. Forcing all to bow, even the penniless homeless man. Or vagabond. Defining sentences for each other, evoking the wrath of the mighty as if there is only a time portrayed and defined as today. That morality is meaningful, and that waiting your turn somehow vanquishes all guilt. It is not I, who I seek, but thou.


The assumption that man knows man is only assumption and not a given fact. As in facts come and go. Like man’s personality into dementia. The end of life is not the end of consciousness or awareness or the utilization of how reality can be interpreted. Whether fast, slow, or in a loop.


The conclusion as to this chapter is that currently in the world’s affairs is that man has submitted completely as to the Capitalist system and its surrounding dogma or belief, which controls him and enforces the notion that equality is found not in poverty (as in its alleviation) and corruption (as to the result of what Capitalism is capable of). The idea that all these things occur, until a moot or end point is reached somehow declares the superficial notion which is upheld coincidentally only by humans and not dogs or cats or even cars. The human associates the calamity with non-supervision and regret realized only too late. It’s a punishing system, but one which should be discarded, and will end in its own downfall for the sake of welfare. The succumbing of corporations and politicians (or governments) feeding the populace lies and food, just to be good, as morality is found enforced only in this degree which is charity, for the response of dependency and its solution is not morality expressed, but only perceived to be morality, such as the sacrifice of a lamb for some religious aspect. So, humans in turn, behave a certain way, and not in any case else. Too late will be the signal, and too early was its downfall. The Shock Doctrine explains not just Neo-Liberal structures incorporating solutions to its flaws and contradictions and cause, but also expresses clearly how humans in a generalized societal sense response to its own hypocrisy. Too much emphasis is sought onto the responsibility of the corporate and political to solve inherent and underlying problems which it created to subdue and alienate and demoralize the populace which it is coincidentally, but factually, a part of. Remembering how life used to be is pointless, for it only proves what was before and how it affected the future and its present day. There is sometimes an uncontrollable urge by man to alter his destiny, his course in history, but he is too damn lazy, confused, manipulated, exploited, to care, to change.


Part 4:


When one eats, one forgets. The mind of man is simple, for he is singular. His consciousness is separate from the universal aspect of open-mindedness and relation – to invest his mind into other possibilities, and perhaps other forms of consciousness. That this can be found without the use of substances is a given, for the imagination is driven by knowledge of the unknown, but not unknowable. Or rather, mind is matter, but consciousness is expanse, or unlimited in scope. All it takes is kindness, maturity, and empathy. Sympathy is the work of doctors and nurses.


Though, let’s be clear, there is also a good side to Capitalism. The notion of charity, incorporated by the rich at the call of the poor. But why not sacrifice all wealth? Remove it from the face of the Earth. Have no better and worse. It seems that all good-natured people, are as such because they believe in charity. Though charity is also enforcement of leniency. Capitalism provides different avenues of change, as is seen in cultures, sub-culture, and the lack of culture within itself. We are under the assumption, that for there is difference, and the believe in its existence, even if it may not be substantial, the belief that is, bringing forth the ignorance of the lack of culture permeating us abound. That all forms of culture now have become emblems of expenditure and hierarchy. We must condone liberation as in freedom, for we have become prisoners of our ignorance and arrogance. We toil behind though when it is illegal, but also not. Some take matters in their own hands, and become the savages they never knew, but always were, hence this aftermath of division, and exploitation. The neglect in change without changing. Or that change is always inherently positive and productive. Also, Capitalism subordinates man, through rules and jurisdictions, onto the realization that laziness equals poverty, poverty is misery, and misery is torture. But is the one not lazing about also on holiday? Rich, wealthy, beautiful, you name it. Beauty has never been seen, as in ever understood. Clarity is the belief in the unknown, and beauty is not defined by physical and psychological. The streets are rife with the upholders of beauty, yet they themselves deny its purpose. It is not to shame. It is to be different, be unique, be happy. Not rich. You don’t get rich by being beautiful, for we all are, but are not. Poverty is part of Capitalism; it is needed for the working class to exist. The working class are slaves, and yet do not realize it. They think their slavery is less, or should be less, for they are wealthier, relatively, to others, which they place menial activity on, denouncing it as exploitative, but condoning it for conclusion, that unlimited growth equals unlimited wealth amongst its adherents. That more is better, and that more is more sophisticated and conclusive to a wealthy state. Not the creation of the impression that slavery is illegal, or should be, but hiding, in plain sight, the hierarchy, which is utilized negatively without consideration of consequence, to incorporate legally, exploitation. Which is worse than slavery, for the slave never had to fend for himself. His life was not in danger, he received minimal goods from the slave holder, its master, for the work done. Hence being paid to work but getting free accommodation (that is safe) at no cost to himself. Now, in Capitalism, the slave must fend for himself in all regards, making his life even more miserable and in need of joyous excitement, and passionate relation and love. Yet the man on top, does less menial work, point one, for it is less tedious, and more interesting, but nowhere is it safe to say, that ignorance comes from menial work. What is menial work, but repetitive labour. All forms of labour are repetitive for it is required to exercise at what you do. Man, now a days sacrifice its free time, when he does not work, for work. To be active and create is idolized in our world, for we are bored to death, and only want the best entertainment. Corporately sold off as expensive labour, but it is merely illusion, for profit, and the continuation of this exploitive machine, which will lead to the permanent extinction of man. He will not raise his head again, and spy on his neighbours or fellow men. A war will be fought for freedom, but no war is won, for war should not even exist. Nowhere in reality is there a need for violence for the sake of peace. Yet most of our species demands violence for the sake of peace. How violence is seen as good, if it is against the bad. That the bad, may not kill the good, for it is bad. But where does it end. These dependencies. These ideas and ideals enforced for the sake of peace. For if there is resistance, all hell will break loose, and we will again be policed, for peace to reign. Making us the potential suspects, and part of this crime. For we only resist, when a wrong was done onto us. Whether it be imaginary or real. Resistance is not substantial, but ignorance is. To let them continue what they do, for the sake of their own welfare, which will be corporately maintained, and politically enforced. The present age is dual in nature, for it requires something quite different to explain its inconsistencies. Being human. Being animal. Being DNA. Being nothing but the permutation of matter into a molecule, big enough to not be destroyed. Matter is essential to life, and it only comes from energy. Energy comes from existence, which is substantial in its claim, for non-existence also does not exist.


I wanted to start a new chapter, though I have realized the urgency of this issue at hand. Late last night, my time. I finally understood the answer to all my worries and doubts. It is certain now, that Capitalism is upheld by humans, for it solely benefits them, though what most people, including entrepreneurs, do not understand, is permanency. When life ceases to exist, existence even will still flourish. Life is not the only thing in existence, but also the only thing in existence, for life is existence. Not just of an organic compound, but to be timeous in meetings, and all else. A woman never forgets, for she must always remember something. They fear their loss, and they ignore their pain. It is what it is, solely to exploit, and not benefit at all. Capitalism is not a foe of humanity; it is not an existential concept. It is profit sharing, but most importantly making, for the ideal, that man should be free through luxury, and not a primitive domesticated state, like on a farm, or a bar, or a strip club. We are all being deceived, to invest, to bank, to buy (crap), and waste our whole existential existence, Allah, life within itself. As in, life gives birth to life, and death, is merely but a fragment of it. For what is death, other than the singular source of consciousness separate from life?


To not notice death, is illness. An emotional resentment to living beings, solely to protect oneself, for one feel threatened. The reality is, that you do, what you want, and you want to do that? Try as one might, we should not be philosophical, because they all know it entails psychology. Most philosophers discuss psyche in their writings. As in, consciousness, for it Is the thing, that has brought about religion, and the absence of it, which even atheists do not deny. Just give us peace, and we will walk through the door with you. For we know that there is only truth, and the relation of something to it. As in, your beliefs, every single one of them is baloney. Even the belief about beliefs. For that is what consciousness is, the presence, not permanence, of belief. An aspect, singular in the reality of life, reality, and existence, placating that it, within itself, to be explained, is merely the thought of thoughts. What if thoughts are conscious, as in, if your brain can manifest, consciousness, like a god, or a leprechaun, like Santa Claus’s elves, the ones working day in day out handing out presents imaginatively, to show, that even children are being bribed for profit. People want to get rich, and how do they do that, by taking other people’s money making themselves even also progressively poorer, for the poor will have nothing to give. Not even their bodies. Not even when you force them. The simple truth is, is that Capitalism destroys Capitalism, and its ideal, which some humans cannot think alike. We deserve our freedom at no cost to ourselves. Or others. Consider the possibility, for there are no poor, but the homeless and decrepit, so why not introduce, a market of spenders? And as the spenders believe spending makes them richer, through status, for some people, it makes us all poorer. For to exploit, or coerce, is immoral, for it is not equal, and equality can only be practiced. Equality isn’t found in music, writing, tv shows, or whatever you can think of other than action, or the action of inaction. To respect respectfully. To realize that the reason for life is to provide action, and the release of its meaning, for it can be many of them or none. At this point in time. At least. The non-human animals think we’re insanely stupid, for we are aware but ignorant of that fact. The whole social organism of men, and his allies, are few for it is singular, and ineffective, for it takes the easy way out, or what they call luxury. If luxury goods become common place, then it loses its value, or has, dissociating the satiation from its completion, like an alcoholic oblivious of this existential physical, psychological and medical fact. It must realize itself for what it is, to become what it is not. Not change, but to evolve, to alter. To be determinable and refraining from invention anew, as a rollercoaster does come to an end.


Capitalism, the great benefactor of luxury, portrays man as a merchant, noble, wealthy, and influential. He stagnated beyond his scope, and then became the consumer. Literally accumulating an endless amount of garbage, which cannot be recycled, resold, or moved. It is substandard engineered items that has only a magical value attached to it. Superstitiously he runs to improve, or expose his needs, newly found, and always recreated, to allow himself the benefit of making sure that he is not alone in his obsession with his bank account and the property market. Everywhere money, and wealth, is seen as an answer out of poverty, and perhaps it is, but what is poverty other than enslavement, or addiction, or being desperate for something that no one wants? He must maintain his conquest over nature to impress himself as the solution finder of problems someone else supposedly created. He runs up and down, shouting orders, making demands, only upon himself, unaware of who is watching, listening, and paying no attention. He drives into the world as his own, which Capitalism allows him to believe, like a religion. Eventually he will become corrupt with all his wealth, and magical items accumulated, like a dog hiding his bones. Not wanting to let go, even if he does not consume it himself. He will rather control the whole world, at no cost to himself. The highest form of labour today in the corporate world deals with nothing but making decisions as to how other people should behave. So, the best people to do that job or fulfil that role, needs to be manipulative, for they need to convince a sorry lower class soul to do their bidding at no cost to themselves. Luckily the fat merchant doesn’t want to let go of his bitch and ride her all night long for he believes himself to be merry and pretty because his lover also is in his eyes, and hers.


The resolution coming to in this chapter is that expenditure as in the need to spend, whatever it may be, whether it be physical or mental is only supposedly worth value if it is seen as such. Like a person suffering from depression. The whole world sees him but does not know his anguish. His desperation to be healthy. Ask the old what to do with their lives, ask a mass-murderer, around the same age, that question, and you’ll not even bother.


Freedom should be tolerated for freedom to exist.


The financial structure gives the impression that affluency brings about security, sanity, peace, and health, though even Russia is those above, where the left-wing corporate media proclaims them as evil, sick, and a villain never to be trusted again. They throw mud at them, preaching a message to the masses, condemning things about them only in words. Which seems to be a very powerful tool to achieve something psychologically but not physically. You can condemn all you want, like a curse laid upon a man by a Saint, without even knowing that it does not matter. For the vile man will move on uncontrollably until the police shows up or a wormhole. Wealth is tolerant towards expenditure, expenditure is seen as needed, though the sharing of money, the making of the rich, even if it trickles down, like dogma, to the middle class, working, is of no indication that we are safe, sane, peaceful, happy and healthy. In today’s age morbid obesity is a guaranteed trip to the ICU though humans live in the present, discouraging all argument for the sake of body-positivity, even though the BMI disagrees, meaning scientifically we are flawed, and do not tolerate physiology or the medicinal industry or field. Possibly bringing about the only trust we have in science. Our opinion are our choices, even though we stagnantly over-indulge in things that made us addicted to being sloths, or motionless predators, having to be fed like a dolphin at Ocean World – what a lame name.


Labour is insufficient to maintain equality, if work within itself, where definite roles are, like a doctor, and a nurse, and a kitchen attendant, at a hospital, where hierarchy is set up, to proclaim a need for sophisticated leadership to reign – though it is unlikely that sanity ought to be enforced also. To explain what this entails is not two things: hierarchy is not necessarily bad if it is needed in a moral sphere like the connection humanity has to God or the doctor requesting nurses to administer medication to a patient because he’s not able to in his schedule to do so – which in this case hierarchy is needed and ought to be practiced and not enforced – symbiosis. Yet where this fails is outside of the hospital. Even in parliaments hierarchy is maintained at a positive level and negative one – though these instances are not concurrent or ever in the same room. A dictatorship is enforced hierarchy – negatively – but alters in an altruistic mindset when the negativity wears off over time, and then practice, or meditation, is taken as the method to sanity for wisdom has prevailed after decades of oppression and rule. It is their decision after all how we all live. Justifications are created to change the political threshold. Now, in Neo-Liberal nations, bankruptcy, or declaring a nation bankrupt has its consequences, onto the future of the stateless State. A removal of what once was, but will only be again, but not now. Poverty, as experienced by most African nations, is not what they do not choose. They prefer a simple life, a simple economy, a simple reality. For our dictators to leave us, is a blessing, and not cause for concern, whether in death or denial. The political is utilized to grab the capitalistic wealth generated, donated, and invested. So, whenever you hear of a country where the President fled after a declaration of bankruptcy, like a crack dealer, needs to wake up and know he took your whole society with him. It is no coincidence that the human being has been moulded through a troublesomeless childhood where Politics was not even mentioned. As in, there were many oblivious of Apartheid, until it ended. Then a new dawn was set, and the world finally realized that peace can exist through co-existence. Mutuality. Consideration. Companionship. Many were shocked and some were frightened. Decades later their initial loss of the shock and fear returned when word was made that white farmers are the ones targeted (murdered) and that most of the population didn’t care about these crimes, though murder is murder in any book. It is against the law, in any country, on this planet, not wanting to invest in South Africa anymore, due to its corrupt elite, and violent masses. Somehow being the furthest away from Neo-Liberal civilization didn’t forewarn them of foreign equity firms utilizing our resources, human, for its own profit. When everything in the country is imported or invested from, as soon as that loses its hold and moves on, the whole society will be without food and necessities. Even Germany, the great European world leader, succumbed to a simple resource being switched off by, in their eyes, the Nazi Russians. It seems tolerance is exquisite, and that the cold and ugly in front of the mirror is worth ignoring. Yourself. Your inane tolerance of that which is not even you. It feeds you; it clothes you; apart from the tools and resources you use to accomplish that task. The world will be consumed by fascism, for Anarchy should be destroyed, even by Nazi’s. It’s not about who starts the fight, but rather who ends it, and then you realize the result is the consequences of your own actions. That is what Capitalism teaches. Take care of yourself first, and then your neighbour. The government should merely invest in your brilliance, like a Socialist nation such as crack dealer land. Or utopia. Meaning the ultimate evil is not seen as evil anymore. But that is just the human society falling in on itself due to the cost of living being too high, for there are no money and fixed assets in the economies that was destroyed by Neo-Liberalism. The rich nations will not even be rich in the end, for they will have no one to suck dry anymore. They will start eating its own fat reserves until Anarchy will reign like in all the other nations at that point in time. As said, you cannot force a man, without meaning, to live in enslavement, you can only convince the oppressed and decrepit to join your flanks, for they believe in the Capitalistic Utopia that their masters introduced into their lives. The material aspect of man is withering away steadily, as the promise of Capitalism, marketed essentially, loses effectiveness, and drowns into the abysmal sea. There are so many inflicted scenarios from the aspect and growth of Capitalist nations, like carbon-emissions produced at a far higher rate per capita as what occurs naturally. Incorporating a greenhouse effect, that will lead to something even greater, even more destructive. One cannot run away from nature. Erich Fromm has spoken about it, so did Sartre, so did Camus, and so did Rand. It is obvious that Orwell was a terrorist. An anarchist. Where his ideas were allowed to flourish under the pretence of journalism, but he went further, and even fought in the great Spanish war. As all things become known, all things will also be forgotten. Under the pretext of subordination, and the utilization of exploitation under charitable and welfarist notions to “improve the lives of others”. Those who suffer, but are we not them? Each person that believes that there is distinction in life, and not complete unity, misses the point. To act or pretend is false. To be false is suspicious. To be in such a viewpoint of another leads to a comedy of errors that suits the purpose of the perceiver or the objective philosopher. It is cadre, and it is fact. We tolerate their intolerance.






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